Arise 2023 is taking place online from May 31st to June 28th
ARISE Festival tickets
Arise festival 2022 took place online from June 29th to July 27th
All sessions can be viewed for free - please donate to help us cover the costs

ARISE Festival Dayschool: A World To Win - Socialist Solutions for the Crisis ✊🌹
When: Saturday, February 17th from 11AM
Arise Festival 2023 Featured:
Jeremy Corbyn // Daniel Kebede, NEU // John McDonnell // Mick Whelan, ASLEF // Rebecca Long Bailey // Fran Heathcote, PCS // Richard Burgon // Holly Turner, NHS Workers Say No // Guillaume Long, former Ecuador Foreign Minister // Michelle Gildernew, Sinn Fein // Alex Gordon, RMT // Diane Abbott // James Schneider, Author ‘Our Bloc - How We Win' // Nathalia Urban, BrasilWire // Olivia Blake // Zita Holbourne, Black Activists Rising Against Cuts // Jess Barnard, Labour NEC // Simon Fletcher // Kate Hudson, CND // Nabeela Mowlana, Young Labour // Heidi Chow, Debt Justice // Hilary Schan, Momentum // Özlem Onaran, University of Greenwich // Matt Willgress, Labour Outlook // Chris Saltmarsh, Author 'Burnt. Fighting for Climate Justice' // Ryvka Barnard, Palestine Solidarity Campaign // Geoff Bell, Author, ‘The Twilight of Unionism'
Gemma Bolton, Labour NEC // Robert Poole, Strikemap // Mike Jackson, Lesbians & Gays Support the Miners // Kate Connolly, Author, ’Sylvia Pankhurst: Suffragette, Socialist & Scourge of Empire' // Sam Mason, Climate Justice Coalition // Ruth Hayes, Labour Women Leading // Nick Dearden, Global Justice Now // Steve Howell, author, ‘Game Changer’ // Hugh Lanning, Labour & Palestine
Rachel Garnham, CLPD // John Lister, Keep Our NHS Public // Michael Roberts, author ‘Marx 200' // Laura Smith // Ellen Fearon, Green New Deal Rising // Claudia Turbet-Delof, Wiphalas Across the World, Bolivia // Gawain Little, GFTU // Kate Flannery & Chris Peace, Orgreave Truth & Justice Campaign // John Puntis, Doctors for the NHS // Beth Winter // Lord John Hendy KC, Campaign for Trade Union Freedom // Kate Osborne // Mish Rahman, Labour NEC // Louise Regan, National Education Union // Bell Ribeiro-Addy // Asad Rehman, War on Want // Nadia Whittome // Sarah Woolley, BFAWU // Jon Trickett MP // PLUS MORE!